chapter 15 : where do i start?


i'm super EXCITED because tomorrow morning at roughly 10:00 am (that is if i can get myself and the girls out the door at the latest by 9:30, stop at Jennifer's house to borrow her sewing machine, not chat too long catching up on how her awesome "no kids allowed" vacation with her husband and my trip to Utah went and then racing to Lynn's by 10:00) i am going to do my first sewing lesson since 6th grade. that is like 12 years people since i was in "crazy H's" class where we supposedly learned how to sew a pair of soccer shorts, the reason that you should wipe a baby's bottom from top down while changing them (especially girl babies) and that pepper is actually mouse poop that the FDA just looks past daily. Yes, Mrs. Hansen was a little wacko hence the nickname she received, but i definitely didn't come away from there with any confidence in my homemaking skills. in fact home ec. in North Sanpete Middle School was perhaps the biggest joke in my educational background beside the short driving time i had to put in to get my license. not my fault though, Andy Smith and i were the only two things standing in the way of Mr. Thomas being finished putting his life at complete and utter risk with crazy teenagers behind the wheel. who were we to stop him from passing us with driving only close to 2 hours (if i remember correctly) when you were supposed to drive 6. so what if i still suck at parallel parking? who needs it? even if i lived in Provo, Utah i couldn't park my SUV anyway. it's too big.
moving that i have an AMAZING friend who is willing to share her years of expertise, i can't wait to learn how to make heaps of things that i have on my "things to make list."
i'm also feeling "BLAH." you know the kind of "BLAH" you feel when you know you need to exercise, but would rather spend your time doing so many other things. it got even worse as i watched The Biggest Loser and thought about how there was motivation to not even get out the vanilla ice cream, but i did anyway. Shoot. i'm my own worst enemy in the body image department. i know how i feel inside isn't adding up to what i actually look like on the outside and i need to start doing something about, but i just don't want to spend the time and energy on it. i've got to figure out something though because i want to wear my old pants again and not look like a bloated hippo as i do in my recent license picture. i need some self control, but i'm lacking MAJOR motivation right now. oh if i only looked as cute as Baby K does with the extra rolls on her forearms and inside thighs. wouldn't the world be a wonderful place then?

p.s. i got some new jeans at Old Navy, the new diva style, and they are the best fitting jeans i've ever bought. i hope to get more soon because they are super amazing.


Michelle said...

You're a copy cat and didn't even know it. :) I just got those same jeans two weeks ago. I like them for the most part. But, mine do this funky gaping thing in the back. I have a hard time finding jeans that fit me and my budget right though.

sara said...

how fun that you are sewing! i watch the biggest loser too and feel guilty... but not enough to make me get off the couch. hmmmm. :) oh, and your stories are so funny!