chapter 107 : oh my goodness...


so i'm so GLAD that So You Think You Can Dance is on again. i actually love the audtion shows more than the actual finalist ones because you can see the dancers present their best moves and see amazing technique.
i wish that i would have realized my potential is dance and had never quit, but then again i don't think i could wear the clothes or do some of the partner moves ;). i'm so happy that i'm back into it now though because once it's in your heart, i don't think you EVER let it go.

i also LOVE that we have the opportunity to take two of the most precious things Heavenly Father has given us, our bodies and music, and combine them to display passion, emotion and to show who we really are. talents truly are blessings and who knows, maybe one day i'll have the opportunity to work with someone like Mia Michaels too.

yours truly.