chapter 4: behold the power of dirt


today, the girls and i went to Idylwood park. it is also a beach to Lake Sammamish. Taylie really enjoyed herself in the sand and wanted to follow the bigger kids into the water. Mostly she just sat in the sand and played with her shovels and bucket. Sometime while trying to clean up, with Taylie screaming and Kylie hungry, but still being a super good girl, I realized how much I really hate how my feet feel after they have touched sand. I hate the dry, dirty feeling that stays and doesn't leave. Yesterday, I really hated when my feet touched our carpet while I was sitting in the computer room.
Basically, I have a huge texture problem. Once something like this happens, it's just about the only thing my mind concentrates on and then I get overwhelmed quickly afterward.
At the park, I couldn't wait to get home and wash my feet. The funny thing is that I am not bothered by not being able to take a shower each day, but I truly hated these incidents. I also hated that now my new stroller is all sandy, the Expedition got sandy too and it was all over Taylie.
I know that these type of things are pretty common in a stay-at-home Mom's life, but I guess I just haven't accepted it yet...