chapter 7 : my foe, the me!


while talking with my friend Sariah today, i realized even more about my dislike of the telephone. actually, it's pretty weird. it's not exactly anxiety, but just a feeling of i really don't want to answer or call on the phone. please no one take this personal, but often, i screen my calls especially if i'm not sure of the phone number, and know that i will receive a voicemail if it's really important. on occasion i will answer and usually am super glad i did, but it's so NOT my fav. thing in life.
during my great convo with Sariah, she mentioned, "yeah it's kind of nice to talk over email or internet because if you forget something it's still there, but on the phone I tend to forget details." she totally gave me even more ammo. to back up my lack of love for sending words through the receiver, not to mention that there is a score of many other reasons not too talk on the phone. case in point...
* $ (you know that little green stuff we all must have to survive...sidenote : i think the Kia "Save the Greenbacks" marketing campaign in hilarious)
* some might tell you that the phone is the best way to stay connected with others and that it's very impersonal. have you ventured into the blog world. i say?
* i'm often more kind when i use the computer to communicate
* i'm more willing to open up and share myself through the non-verbal form
* i don't really want to talk on the phone...

ironically, there have been many months that we have almost went over on our minutes like a week before the cycle ended. i'll blame those on the real estate agent and the very, very important talks in the middle of the day with my Mom. let's just say that without those times, my sanity was at stake due to being home all day! Oh FAB 5 where are you when i need you so?

in sum, i just really don't care to talk on the phone. once i'm doing it, i'm happy, but i just don't want to do.

the end