chapter 76 : common routine


often my daily schedule goes something like this...

if we are staying home, which doesn't happen that often...
* get up and send mr. clean to work
* get breakfast around 8:00
* put baby K down for a nap while the little Bug watches some of her shows (Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Super Why, etc.) and i either jump on the computer for a bit or catch a little shut eye
* lunch around 11:00
* naptime at 12:00 while baby K and I hang out watching tv/locking ourselves in the computer room so naptime will actually happen for big Sister.
* 3:00 work on the list affectionately entitled, "try to get done so mr. clean is happy when he comes home." this includes picking up toys, doing dishes...surface cleaning any clutter that accummulated during the day, make dinner, play with the girls, etc.
* 5-5:30 eat dinner
* 6:30 get the girls ready for bed
* 7:00 enjoy freedom ;)
* 6:15-7:00 am next morning wish they would just sleep in one morning...

if we go out...with rising gas prices, this will probably slow down a bit or i am trying anyway...
* get up, shower if i'm lucky that day and send mr. clean to work/sometimes take him to work
* get breakfast around 8:00
* let the girls watch a show while i try to get ready...there are probably many days that i don't look like i spent more than 5 seconds on myself, but i guess you sacrifice what it takes to just get out the door somedays
* if we have our lwtg class, make it there around 11:00; otherwise, go out to whatever is scheduled that day
* eat lunch while out or as soon as we get in the door
* naptime for the Bug shortly after we eat or get home.
* after naptime, work on the list affectionately entitled, "try to get done so mr. clean is happy when he comes home." this includes picking up toys, doing dishes...surface cleaning any clutter that accummulated during the day, make dinner, play with the girls, etc.
* 5-5:30 eat dinner
* 6:30 get the girls ready for bed
* 7:00 enjoy freedom ;)
* 6:15-7:00 am next morning wish they would just sleep in one morning...

yours truly.


Ashley said...

Oh my goodness Brit, I totally feel the same way as you! Sometimes I feel like each day is the same as before. I really wonder if I'm being a slacker because I don't spend much time on extra things. But then I remember that this is where I'm supposed to be and the key is finding happiness in that. Cleaning and taking care of baby take up a lot of my day and I'm learning that I'm still a good person if that's all I do. I hope you find your "niche" soon and that it can be enjoyable for you. I recently posted about a talk Julie B Beck gave last October. I'm sure you've read it but it sure helped me. You're not alone out there!